
(2024) Rethinking Development Politics (co-authored with Gavin Fridell), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers, “Rethinking Political Science & International Studies” series.

(2023) Global Libidinal Economy (co-authored with Gavin Fridell, Maureen Sioh, and Pieter de Vries; SUNY Press).

(2022) Universal Politics (co-authored with Zahi Zalloua; Oxford University Press).

(2020) Confronting Desire: Psychoanalysis and International Development (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).

(2018) Psychoanalysis and the GlObal (edited) (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press).

(2013) Celebrity Humanitarianism: The Ideology of Global Charity (London & New York: Routledge).

(2008) The Postcolonial Politics of Development (London & New York: Routledge).

Journal Articles/Book Chapters

(2025) “Intersectionality, Decoloniality, Indigenous Localism: A Critique,” Theory, Culture & Society, 42(7): 1-21 (open access).

(2024) Book Symposium on my co-authored, Global Libidinal Economy (2023) in Rethinking Marxism 36(4): 473-506.

(2024) “Informality as Global Capitalism’s Unconscious” (co-authored with Pieter de Vries), Emotion, Space and Society, 53: 1-9 (open access).

(2024) Book Forum on my co-authored, Global Libidinal Economy (2023) in Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 25(1): 108-133.

(2024) “Missing in Action: Where’s the Unconscious in Anti-Racist ‘Unconscious Bias Training’?” (co-authored with Sheila L. Cavanagh), Humanities, 13(18), special theme issue on “Global Antiracism,” (open access).

(2023) “Decolonising Development Studies,” Review of International Studies, 49(3): 346-55. Forum on “Re-imagining International Relations: Proposals for Building a Decolonised Discipline” (open access).

(2021) “Populism,” in Globalizing Collateral Language: From 9/11 to Endless War, J. Collins and S. Sen (eds.), Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.

(2018) Žižek, Antagonism and Politics Now: Three Recent Controversies, International Journal of Zizek Studies, 12(1) (open access).

(2017) Cold Critique, Faint Passion, Bleak Future: Post-Development’s Surrender to Global Capitalism, Third World Quarterly, 38(12).

(2015) What ‘Drives’ Capitalist Development?, Human Geography, 8(3).

(2015) The Queer Third World, Third World Quarterly, 36(9).

(2015) Billionaire Philanthropy: ‘Decaf Capitalism’, in International Handbook of Wealth and the Super-Rich, J. Beaverstock and I. Hay (eds), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

(2014) Psychoanalysis and Development: Contributions, Examples, Limits, Third World Quarterly, 35(7): 1120-43. Guest editor of subtheme on ‘Psychoanalysis and Development’.

(2014) Psychoanalysis and Development: An Introduction, Third World Quarterly, 35(7): 1117-19.

(2014) Subaltern Studies, in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, D. Coghlan and M. Brydon-Miller (eds), pp. 737-38, London: Sage.

(2013) Humanitarian Heroes?, in Age of Icons: Exploring Philanthrocapitalism in the Contemporary World, G. Fridell and M. Konings (eds), pp. 26-49, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

(2008) Introduction: Islam and Cultural Politics, Topia: Canadian Journal Of Cultural Studies, 19 (Spring). Special theme issue, guest co-edited with Shahnaz Khan.

(2005) Participatory Development, Complicity and Desire, Third World Quarterly, 26(8): 1203-1220.

(2004) Deliberative Democracy and the WTO, Review of International Political Economy, 11(3): 522-541.

(2004) Hyper-Self-Reflexive Development? Spivak on Representing the Third World ‘Other’, Third World Quarterly, 25(4): 627-647.

(2004) The Power of Participation, Current Issues in Comparative Education, 6(2): Issue on ‘Participatory Development: A Promise Revisited’, devoted to a response to my 2002 Third World Quarterly article on participatory development.

(2004) Donor Participatory Governance Evaluation: Initial Trends, Implications, Opportunities, Constraints, Journal of International Development, 16(2): 157-170.

(2003) Acting in a Tight Spot: Homi Bhabha’s Postcolonial Politics, New Political Science, 25(4): 561-577.

(2002) Deliberative Democracy or Agonisitic Pluralism? The Relevance of the Habermas-Mouffe Debate for Third World Politics, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 27(4): 459-487.

(2002) Capitalism, Culture, Agency: Dependency Versus Postcolonial Theory, Third World Quarterly, 23(4): 647-664.

(2002) The Devil’s in the Theory: A Critical Assessment of Robert Chambers’ Work on Participatory Development, Third World Quarterly, 23(1): 101-117.

(2001) Towards Participatory Environmental Management?, Journal of Environmental Management, 63(3): 269-279.

Op-Ed/Other Articles

(2025) “The short shelf life of corporate DEI: ‘Wokeism’ is out, bigotry is in. Meanwhile, inequality continues unabated,” Al Jazeera 13 January.

(2024) “Musk’s rise is symptomatic of our neo-feudal capitalist times,” Al Jazeera, 26 December.

(2024) “Psychoanalysis explains why Donald Trump is taunting Canada and ‘Governor Justin Trudeau’” (co-authored with Gavin Fridell), The Conversation, December 10.

(2024) “Spivak, politics of pronunciation, and the search for a just democracy: the controversy over Gayatri Spivak’s recent public rebuke of a young Dalit scholar,” Al Jazeera, 7 June.

(2024) “What the Internationalist Left can still learn from the Anti-Colonial Left” (co-authored with Zahi Zalloua).

(2020) “Protests in Hong Kong and Thailand: A Politics of Hysteria or Perversion?,”Cornell University Press Blog, 16 November (online)

(2016) Black Lives Matter: Whitewashing the Amanda Knox Story (with Kent Murnaghan), Bright Lights Film Journal, September 30 (online).

(2012) Should celebrities promote charities?, debate with Mark Wheeler in New Internationalist, September.

(2011) To Vote or Not to Vote? Why the “Crisis of Democracy” Should Give Us Pause,, April 25 (online).

(2010) Troubled Waters: Crashing Into The Cove, Bright Lights Film Journal, Issue 68, May (online).

(2009) Letter to Obama (with Anna Zalik), Politics and Culture, Special Issue: Letter to Obama, Issue 1, 2009 (online).

(2006) Review of Timothy Doyle’s Environmental Movements in Majority and Minority Worlds (2005), International Review of Modern Sociology, 32(2).

(2003) In Memoriam: Edward W. Said, Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 10, Fall: 123-124.

(2003) Full Blast Monty: Noise invades our common spaces, to the detriment of our health and civic culture, Alternatives Journal, Commentary section, 29(2): 38.

(2002) Unsettling ‘Muslim Women’, review of Shahnaz Khan, Aversion and Desire: Negotiating Muslim Female Identity in the Diaspora (2002), Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 7, Spring: 129-131.